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"Your past plus the present equals the future. Change the past in the present, and you change the cycles of repeated patterns of the future."     

-Steve Richards-


Holographic Kinetics

Holographic Kinetics

Who can be helped?  Any person suffering from the following should request assistance to be cleared:

Emotional or compulsive disorders

Anger, guilt, or violence issues

Voices in the head

Depression, fear or shame

Pain, anguish or trauma

Drug or alcohol dependancy issues

PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder)

Physical, emotional or sexual abuse

Repeat offenders or stuck in time

Paranormal activity

Interdimensional interference


Houses and properties can be cleared of spirits and interdimentional interference


HK looks at the body as a whole, accessing cellular memory and the cause and effects of events.  Thoughts and emotions set up in the past and present and affect the cycles of the future.  These events, thoughts and emotions are trapped in the body today, affecting our lives and causing us to continue repeating the cycles of life patterns within their own dimension of time, which we can become stuck in.


Holographic kinetics lets you clear trauma locked in events, thoughts and emotions.  Until trauma is cleared from adverse events in our lives, we are continually affected today and in the future.  


By resisting a situation, or not allowing yourself to fully accept it, you capture free-flowing universal energy, which spirals inwards, becoming trapped and transformed into potential energy.  This potential energy then crystallizes and aligns itself with platonic geometry to build the first form of matter, which can eventually become sickness.


Trapped energy can also eventually manifest as confusion, dysfunction, all manor of other ills or disorders.  By accessing the dimension where the energy was first trapped we are able to release it and therefore let go of the issue.  This will stop negative patterns from repeating as the cycle has been completed and allows the body to heal itself.


Works much better than hypnosis.

Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics

This healing modality and organization was created and founded by Aboriginal descendant Steve Richards. It is based on over 60,000 years of Aboriginal lore regarding the nature and structure of reality, and its laws. Steve developed this work through over 50 years of practice and research. To explore more about this powerful and revolutionary work, please visit Steve's website. 

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